Understandably, parents have felt anxious about visiting doctor’s offices for well visits and immunizations. It makes sense: doctor’s offices are where sick people go, and we don’t want to potentially expose our children to COVID-19. At the same time, health check-ups and immunizations are a vital element in keeping our kids healthy—and should be considered essential. Sadly, doctors have seen a dramatic drop in immunization rates over the past few months as a result of COVID-19 fears. But it is still very important that you keep up with your child’s vaccination schedule.

Data About Childhood Immunization Rates Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic 

In May 2020, the CDC released a report about a worrisome drop in immunization rates they had observed over the months since the pandemic began. Data was compiled from the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC) provider order data as well as the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) vaccine administration data. Here’s what the CDC found:

From mid-March to mid-April, the VFC program decreased its order of childhood vaccines (non-influenza vaccines) by about 2.5 million. There were 250,000 fewer doses of measles vaccines ordered as well.VSD saw a dramatic decline in measles vaccination in mid-March, most notably among older kids.Although measles vaccines rates are picking up for kids over 2 years old, VSD is still seeing lower rates among kids over two.

How Have Doctors Reacted to These Statistics?

“The fact it has dropped so significantly in such a short period of time across the U.S. is really concerning because of the potential for outbreaks,” Sean T. O’Leary, MD, member of the Academy of American Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Infectious Diseases, commented in an AAP memo. Officials attribute the decline to COVID-related disruptions in the vaccine schedule. The CDC is concerned declining vaccination numbers could eventually impact the protection of students from these diseases. It’s not just vaccines that have doctors worried. “I’m also concerned that children who have missed vaccines have also missed other health care that occurs during those visits, including physical exams, developmental screenings and other important care that should not be delayed,” said Sara H. Goza, MD, the AAP president. 

What Is Causing Immunization Rates to Drop?

What exactly is driving parents’ fears about coming to the doctor for well visits and immunizations? “Because daycares, schools, workplaces, and stores have closed in the past couple of months, most parents have been nervous about taking their young babies and children anywhere, especially to the pediatrician’s office,” Florencia Segura, MD, of Einstein Pediatrics in Virginia, explained in an interview. “Parents are anxious that their babies will be exposed to COVID-19 or another type of virus at an office where typically both sick and well children are evaluated.” Cory Fish, MD, chief medical officer at Brave Care in Portland, OR, agrees: It’s fear and anxiety that is stopping parents from bringing their kids into the doctor. “My own experience and experience talking to colleagues is that the overwhelming reason for this is that parents (understandably) are scared to take kids to the doctor,” Fish said in an interview. Fish wants parents to know that although their fears are understandable, pediatricians’ offices are doing everything in their power to keep kids safe. “I totally understand,” says Fish. “People are worried. However, when it comes to pediatric offices in particular, I encourage parents to ask what steps are being taken.”

What Are the Dangers of Lower Immunization Rates?

Although parent fears are understandable in these unprecedented times, it’s important to understand that there is actually a real danger in not visiting the pediatrician right now—especially when it comes to vaccination. Dr. Segura explains that in order for us to be protected from vaccine preventable illnesses, our babies and young children need to be vaccinated consistently and according to the current vaccine schedule. It all goes back to “herd immunity”–meaning that we rely on the overall immunity of our population to keep these viruses at bay. Measles outbreaks have happened periodically over the past few years, so that’s a concern for many pediatricians as immunization rates see this sharp decline. But it’s not just measles they are worried about. “The administration of routine vaccines, such as measles, mumps and rubella and whooping cough, amongst others, are incredibly important for the health of your child and the communities we live in,” explained Savita Ginde, MD, a family planning expert and chief healthcare officer at Stride Community Health Center, in an interview. “We’ve worked too hard to keep vaccine-preventable illnesses at bay to let this happen,” Dr. Ginde added. “I can’t stress enough how important it is to have your children vaccinated.”

What Doctor’s Offices Are Doing to Keep Kids Safe

Again, if you have any fears or concerns about visiting your pediatrician, call ahead and discuss exactly how the visit will work in our “new normal” of COVID-19. It’s likely that simply learning about your pediatrician’s safety protocols will put your mind at ease. Ginde shared some of the precautions her practice is taking during the pandemic, which are similar to protocols doctors all over the country are implementing: 

Only one adult is allowed to accompany a child (or children) per visit. Any person over the age of two must wear a face mask. No one who is sick is allowed into the office, especially anyone experiencing COVID-type symptoms. Anyone who enters the building must have their temperature taken and must answer a health questionnaire.

The Academy of American Pediatrics (AAP) also has some safety suggestions for doctors’ offices that may put your mind at ease, including:

Having sick patients enter the building at different times than well patients Separating patients spatially (social distancing) and/or keeping sick and well patients in separate locations in the office

The information in this article is current as of the date listed, which means newer information may be available when you read this. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit our coronavirus news page. Now is a good time to listen to doctors and to science—and what they are telling us loud and clear is that despite all our understandable fears, skipping children’s vaccines right now is a dangerous proposition, both for children and communities. Vaccine Hesitant Parents (American Academy of Pediatrics)