It is normal to experience mood changes during this period, but more persistent and severe symptoms may indicate postpartum depression. Learn when PPD might begin and how long it might last.

When Does Postpartum Depression Start?

The onset of postpartum depression is typically seen in parents when their child is between the newborn stage and 6 months of age. The experience, however, is not limited to the first six months after birth.  The American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) use the modifier “postpartum” to note when a person is diagnosed with depression within the first year after the birth of a child. However, some people feel the effects of postpartum depression longer than a year after giving birth. As more people open up about their experiences with postpartum depression, it’s becoming clear that the condition affects each individual differently. 

When Will Postpartum Depression End?

According to ACOG, postpartum depression can occur in people up until their baby’s first birthday. There is no hard and fast rule about that one-year mark, though. Despite its name, postpartum depression is not just something that happens to parents of newborns.  There is evidence that postpartum depression can be a manifestation of untreated depression before pregnancy. The condition may, at times, be a mental health issue that grows more severe in the presence of hormonal fluctuations, sleep deprivation, and the stress of new parenthood. Some breastfeeding parents experience ​depression after weaning their babies, which, for many, doesn’t occur until after a baby is a year old or older. A 2020 study found that 25% of parents had elevated depressive symptoms as long as three years postpartum.

Factors That May Affect How Long It Lasts

No timeline can definitively say how long PPD will last for those who experience it. The timeframe for recovery is different for everyone. For some, it lasts longer than the 3-6 month average. Several factors may contribute to PPD that lasts longer. Risk factors for longer recovery from PPD:

Lack of partner and social supportA history of depression or anxietyAn abusive partnerA history of childhood sexual abuseMajor life changes or stressFinancial worriesStruggle to adapt to demands of parenthoodHigh standards and excessive self-criticism

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

The “baby blues” that can occur in the first few weeks of the postpartum period are not the same as postpartum depression. It is normal to experience a week or two of feeling “out of sorts” or even being a little extra weepy or emotional after having a baby. Postpartum depression, on the other hand, continues beyond the initial couple of weeks after birth.  Symptoms of PPD include:

Crying or feelings of hopelessness/sadnessAngerAvoiding social interactionFeeling disconnected from your babyFearing that you will hurt your baby or hurt yourselfConstant guiltFeeling like you aren’t a good parent

People who experience depression during pregnancy or after the birth of a baby may also experience anxiety. If your symptoms last longer than two weeks postpartum and are interfering with your daily activities, it’s a sign that you need to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.


Experts suspect that postpartum depression is under-diagnosed. People don’t always report symptoms due to stigma or misinformation. Sometimes, people don’t recognize when PPD is happening—in part because many new parents think it’s normal to feel constantly sad or tired after having a baby. Also, sometimes people think their depression isn’t that bad or that it will go away on its own.  If you are struggling to cope, talk to your doctor. Doctors typically use screening tools, such as the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), to assess and diagnose postpartum depression. A score of nine or greater on the EPDS indicates possible depression. 

Getting Help

If you have been diagnosed with postpartum depression, it is essential to start treatment. The sooner you begin treatment, the sooner you can expect to be back to feeling like yourself. There are a number of treatment options for people experiencing PPD.  It is common to utilize more than one treatment at a time. For instance, you may want to use medication and go to counseling. It is also OK to try something new if one option isn’t working for you. Work with your doctor to determine which options make sense for you.


Psychotherapy is often one of the first treatment options offered to people with mild to moderate cases of PPD. Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT), which focuses on interpersonal distress as the primary catalyst for depression, has shown consistent results. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which focuses on how your thoughts relate to your behaviors, is also an option. Nondirective counseling is the most hands-off approach that focuses on listening and self-affirmation. The most important consideration with psychotherapy is finding a therapist that is a good fit for you. You may need to interview a handful of therapists before finding one with a personality and style that works for you. Ask your friends and family members for recommendations. Parent groups can also be an excellent resource for finding names of therapists with good reputations for treating PPD. 


Medication is also a first-line treatment for PPD. There are many antidepressants that people experiencing postpartum depression can use. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac (fluoxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline) and special antidepressants like Wellbutrin (bupropion) are some common examples. Anti-anxiety medication may also be an option, especially if your PPD symptoms fall more on the anxiety end of the spectrum. For those whose PPD began within four weeks of giving birth and who are less than six months postpartum, Zulresso (brexanolone) is an intravenous (IV) infusion drug specifically designed for treating PPD. Postpartum psychosis may additionally require treatment with mood stabilizers or antipsychotic medications.

A Word From Verywell

Postpartum depression is difficult, but treatment can help. While PPD is sometimes confused with the “baby blues,” postpartum depression lasts longer and can occur anytime within the first year after giving birth. There is no single timeline for when symptoms may begin or end, so it’s important to talk to your doctor if you notice that you have symptoms of PPD. If you are diagnosed with postpartum depression, you may feel overwhelmed or like you have failed at being a new parent. Remember, PPD is common and treatable. It is not an indication that you are weak or doing something wrong.