In fact, Bronfman and her husband, Brendan Fallis, tried to conceive for two and a half years—at first, naturally, then with IUI, Clomid treatments, and finally, IVF. As the story goes, Bronfman and Fallis had a picture-perfect, star-studded wedding weekend in Morocco in May 2017. They are both influencers in their own right. Bronfman has spent the last decade building a personal brand around fitness and wellness—including writing a book (“Do What Feels Good: Recipes, Remedies and Routines to Treat Your Body Right”) and creating a Millennial women’s health and beauty site (HBFIT). Fallis is also a digital content creator, style icon, and DJ for events thrown by brands including Absolut, Balmain, and Louis Vuitton. At press time, she has 750K Instagram followers, and he has 134K. The power couple has been incredibly open and honest about not just the glamour but also the hardships in their lives, and perhaps that’s why so many people continue to tune into their Instagram and YouTube content. Bronfman began the conversation around her pregnancy challenges when she revealed she had a miscarriage in early 2019. “I’ve tried to be so open and transparent about our [fertility] journey because this is happening to me,” Bronfman shares. “It’s happening to so many other people, and I don’t know why no one’s talking about their struggles. Well, I know why people aren’t—because everyone is so judgmental and afraid of being judged for the decisions that they’re making in such a public forum.” A breakthrough in their fertility journey happened when a doctor, who had examined Bronfman’s blood work, asked her if she had suffered any trauma to her mouth. “I said, ‘Actually, that’s so weird. I got into an accident five years ago, where I broke my four front teeth,’” Bronfman recalls. “And he said, ‘I’m seeing that you have this level of bacteria that’s coming from your mouth. And your mouth is connected to your reproductive system. I have a hunch that you might have an infection that’s [keeping you from getting] pregnant that’s coming from your mouth.’” Bronfman went down a rabbit hole of research and treatment options. “No dentist in New York City wanted to even talk about my situation," she explains. “They were really pro-root canals, not pulling the teeth. I read a bunch of books. I saw some documentaries. I spoke to doctors in Austin. I went for a consultation, and I ultimately decided that three teeth needed to come out so that the bacteria [that was connected to my reproduction problems] would come out, as well.” After her tooth surgery was completed, Bronfman got her wish. In March 2020, she became pregnant. “I found out I was pregnant a week before we went into a complete quarantine, so it’s been a wild ride,” Bronfman shares. They welcomed baby boy Preston in November of 2020. Now, Bronfman’s feed is filled with postpartum workout advice, recipes that boost lactation, and adorable family photos at both their Manhattan and Hamptons homes. When it came to pregnancy, Bronfman continued to be unapologetically honest. “I will be one of the people to say that I did have glasses of wine during my first trimester and throughout my pregnancy,” she says. “I trust myself. I trust my consumption. I know the sources and the quality of the things I’m consuming, and I felt comfort in some of those vices.” Here, Bronfman shares how she tackles two days in her busy life. Follow along as she squeezes in multiple workouts, introduces solid foods to 6-month-old Preston, does a seven-step skincare routine, and finds time to watch TV with her husband—all in one day. Tuesday 7 a.m. I sleep as long as possible and wake up when Preston wakes up, which is usually around 7:15 a.m. He’s a good sleeper. I roll out of bed, I put my glasses on, and go downstairs. I get Preston up and we chill. I feed him. 8 a.m. We do some tummy time and we sing songs. I’m definitely making myself a coffee by this point. That ritual, for me, is very important. My husband and I are always like, “Do you want me to make you a coffee?” And we’re always like, “No, it’s okay.” Because we love making our own coffees. There’s just something so nice and kind of ritualistic about it. I actually didn’t even start drinking coffee until my pregnancy, which is so random. 8:15 a.m. While Preston and I hang out, I have some fruit and my husband gets a workout in. 9 a.m. I put Preston down for his nap and this is when I am able to get my workout done. I’m doing a 45-minute or maybe an hour workout. The workout changes all the time, but this is my time slot. 10:15 a.m. I’m making myself some eggs and then I hop in the shower. [At] our house on Long Island, we have an outdoor shower—‘tis the season, right? Even if it’s a weird, rainy, cold day. We live in the woods, and it’s just really nice to have that moment outdoors with nature surrounding me. 11:00 a.m. As soon as Preston wakes up from his nap, we rush into town, which is about two minutes away. There is a little storytime class at the library that I just found out about. This is my first time. On other days, he wakes up at 11 a.m. and we will just chill for a bit. I’ll give him a bottle. We’ll have some playtime. 12 p.m. Our nanny—she’s a certified swim instructor—she’ll get in the pool with me and him, and we’ll do his little swim lesson. We have these little balls that he loves to chase and kick. He’s learning to float and kind of dunk under a little bit, which has been just so cute. It’s been so fun watching him go from “this is a little scary” to “Oh my God, this is awesome.” That’s been really amazing. 1 p.m. Preston goes down for his nap, and I am taking Zooms and creating content. I have a bunch of traditional content partners that I have to make content for, and I’m also creating organic content for myself. I’ve got two hours before Preston is up again. I’m also trying to get lunch on the table. 3 p.m. After his nap, I take Preston for a walk. I take a [work] phone call while on the walk to multi-task. Now that we have an extra set of hands with our nanny, it’s been really nice to kind of utilize all the hours in the day and not just the ones when he’s napping. 4:15 p.m. In the afternoon, it really gets a little bit more hectic. Preston takes a quick 45-minute nap. I get my to-do list in the morning, and I am just constantly trying to knock [things] off my list. 5 p.m. I love this window before bed. I’ve noticed that Preston gets so excited in the afternoon, especially around dinner time, which is so funny. Preston is 6 months now. He started solids, and it’s been amazing to go on this journey with him. 5:45 p.m. We’re doing baby-led weaning and we also like really try to sit with him while he eats. I put him in his high chair, and I usually make a puree and have solid finger foods for him. In my puree, I’ll always add in the SpoonfulOne mix-ins. It’s basically a packet that has all of the top allergen foods mixed into one package. You can add it to a puree or you could put it in an omelet or a veggie cake or a patty that you’re making. Essentially, it takes all the guesswork out of trying to incorporate allergen foods into Preston’s diet. [Editor’s note: Bronfman is a brand ambassador for SpoonfulOne.] I’m a really adventurous eater, and we really want him to be an adventurous eater. I don’t want him to have allergies or develop allergies. One of the best ways to prevent them is by introducing allergens at a really young age—the earlier the better once they start solids. 6:20 p.m. I take him for a bath. Bath time is usually about 15 minutes. He loves the bath and gets so hyped. Then I get him dressed for bed, and he takes his bottle. 7 p.m. We read a book, and I put him in his crib. On days when I don’t have an extra set of hands, it’s probably closer to 7:15 p.m. But on the good days, he’s literally in bed five minutes to 7 p.m. My husband starts dinner when I do bath time. Once Preston is down, we’re definitely opening a bottle of wine and having dinner together. By 8:30 p.m, we’re watching a show. We just finished “The Serpent.” We’ve never watched a show separately. It would be really weird if he was like, “Oh, I watched ‘Narcos.’” By 9:30 p.m, I’m moving into my self-care routine, which is a bath. I try to take a bath twice a week. I spend a half-hour in the tub, just soaking, maybe on my phone, maybe not, with a candle, with chill music on. By 10 p.m., I’m doing my skincare routine, and I’m out of the bath. I love my seven-step program, and I like to do a little face massage. I like to take my time. I try to be in bed at 10:30 p.m. and I’d like to say that I’m off my phone when I get into bed, but I’m not. I’m really on my phone for another half hour. Lights are out at 11 p.m.  Sunday 7 a.m. Preston wakes up at 6 a.m. I go downstairs and give him a soother and he falls back to sleep until 7 a.m. 9:15 a.m. We are on Long Island for the summer, so we do a lot of outdoor activities. My husband and I go play tennis while Preston takes his first nap. 10:30 a.m. I make my husband and I smoothies for breakfast. I hop in the shower quickly. 11:00 a.m. Preston wakes up from his nap. I give him a bottle and we get ready to leave the house. 11:30 a.m. We attend our first baby music class at a friend’s house! I want to go to more classes but so many are during his nap hours. This class was originally at 11 a.m. I said, “I really want to come—is there any way that you could push it to 11:30?” The other kids who are joining are older than Preston, and it isn’t their nap time. So we were able to move it to 11:30 a.m., which is great. It’s about being flexible! 4:15 p.m. I shoot my husband’s content as well, so both of us have to look at our to-dos the day before and plan out when we’re shooting what. Finding those open pockets of time is really difficult. We sneak in some work while Preston takes his afternoon nap. 8 p.m. We have friends out here [on Long Island], but we probably only socialize on the weekends and maybe once during the week. Tonight, we’re having some friends over. With the pandemic, it’s been hard, but now I’m vaccinated!