The American Psychological Association (APA) defines youth violence as an extreme form of aggression with the goal of physical harm, injury, or death. Examples of youth violence also include date rape, homicides, and gang violence. For parents and educators of teens, it is important to recognize that these types of violent behaviors are prevalent. In fact, homicide is the third leading cause of death among young people ages 15 to 19 years old in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Consequently, parents and educators need to take an active part in preventing youth violence in the lives of teens. To do this, it’s important to understand what causes violence among teens. In fact, one study found that violent video games not only escalate aggressive behaviors. They also increase angry thoughts as well as raise the heart rate and blood pressure of participants. Meanwhile, these video games decrease “helping behaviors” and reduce feelings of empathy. What’s more, violent video game users tend to interact with other aggressive teens, which makes them feel accepted and validated for their thoughts and feelings. While video games often get the most attention, violence in media isn’t limited to video games. Violent media also can include the Internet, television, magazines, movies, music, advertising, social media, and more. Basically, media consists of anything your teen sees, hears, or interacts with. Additionally, research shows that youth violence can become a form of “street justice” in response to the lack of police protection in some neighborhoods. When this happens, teens may attempt to secure the neighborhood by using violence as a way of bringing order to the area. As a result, youth violence often manifests as gang violence, turf wars, gun wars, and other types of violence. When teens live in socioeconomically challenged neighborhoods, they may feel like their only option for survival is to join a gang or to engage in violence. When this line of thinking is the norm, teens are likely to act aggressively and participate in violent behaviors. Other contributing factors include harsh parenting styles, along with chaos in the home, neglect, and rejection. Each of these situations can lead to youth violence later in life because of the lack of stability and structure in the home. Being violent gives teens a feeling of power and control—something they lack at home. To combat this risk, it is important that parents consider their parenting style and make adjustments in order to reduce the likelihood of seeing violence in their teens’ lives later. Educators can lend support by offering parenting workshops. Consequently, these teens tend to make friends with the wrong people, take unnecessary risks, and experiment with things an involved parent would not allow. When parents are too permissive, their kids often have no motivation to do well in school and may even stop caring about their future. As a whole, teenagers need fair and firm discipline and consistent interaction with and direction from their parents. When parents take an active role in their teens’ lives, it reduces the likelihood of teen violence. Additionally, teens are more likely to be violent or aggressive when they feel pressured. They also may become violent in order to maintain their place in the group. Peer pressure can lead teens to engage in risk-taking behaviors. While teens usually engage in recreational drug and alcohol use to feel good, prolonged use of illicit drugs often brings about feelings of depression, anger, and frustration. These feelings can then lead a teen to exhibit behaviors of aggression and rage. Because anger is a normal stage of grief, a violent outburst from these teens may seem justified. But, while anger is a normal emotion, it is not normal to be violent toward another person. When violence occurs, it should always be addressed. Teens who exhibit signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be prone to violence. Violent outbursts are typically a symptom of PTSD, and if left untreated, can manifest in significantly violent situations. For this reason, it is extremely important for teens with PTSD to get the counseling and intervention that they need. Teen mental illness sometimes hides behind other causes of youth violence. For instance, a teen with bipolar disorder may be using drugs. If this teen becomes violent, the drug use could hide the fact that the bipolar illness is part of the cause. For this reason, it is important that teens engaging in violent behaviors are evaluated for a mental illness. By treating the entire person rather than just the symptoms, you are more likely to reduce the risk of additional violent outbursts.