Since a person’s immune system is weakened during pregnancy, it’s important to take extra precautions to avoid catching a nasty virus. But sometimes it just can’t be helped and you come down with the flu. Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is one of the most commonly prescribed antiviral medications for treating the flu—and experts say that if you catch the flu while carrying a little one, it’s still your best option. Even if you get the flu vaccine, you do still have a slight chance of catching the flu. Here we will discuss what Tamiflu is, how it works, and potential side effects it may present.

What Is Tamiflu?

Tamiflu is a prescription antiviral medication, which means it works with your body to help fight off a virus—in this case seasonal influenza, known mainly as the flu. “It inhibits an enzyme called neuraminidase. This enzyme helps the virus escape from cells so that it can replicate and infect other cells,” explains Aaron Emmel, PharmD, MHA, BCPS, a pharmacotherapy specialist and director of educational programs at “Inhibiting this enzyme results in the virus remaining trapped in cells, limiting its ability to proliferate and damage other cells.” There are two scenarios in which Tamiflu is typically taken: to treat the flu after infection, at which time it can reduce the severity and length of symptoms, or to prevent infection after you’ve been exposed. “If given within 48 hours of exposure, it can reduce the risk of getting the flu from a close contact,” says Dr. Fox.

Is it Safe to Take Tamiflu During Pregnancy?

Tamiflu is not only safe to take during pregnancy, but it is strongly recommended if you catch the flu. “Tamiflu is actually more strongly recommended for pregnant people than nonpregnant people due to the increased risk of severe illness,” says Dr. Fox. “It will lower the risk of severe illness and hospitalization, reduce symptoms and shorten the time to feeling back to normal.” What’s more, Tamiflu is the preferred treatment for pregnant women with suspected or confirmed influenza, according to the CDC. “While there are several antiviral medications available for the treatment of influenza, Tamiflu is the best studied in pregnant and postpartum women,” says Dr. Emmel. “Multiple observational studies have suggested that treatment does not lead to adverse health outcomes for the mother or the fetus.”

What If I Take Tamiflu Before Realizing I’m Pregnant?

Since Tamiflu isn’t harmful to a pregnant individual or their baby, there’s no need to worry if you take it before realizing you’re pregnant. “Dosing during pregnancy is the same as for the non-pregnant population,” adds Dr. Emmel. “Since treatment is recommended for pregnant people, one should be reassured if they find out they are pregnant after starting the treatment.” 

Safety Precautions

There are no additional safety precautions that someone who is expecting needs to take when they are taking Tamiflu. But as with any medication, there is the potential for side effects. “The most common side effects are gastrointestinal in nature, so nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting,” Dr. Emmel says. Since pregnancy itself can also cause similar GI woes, Dr. Emmel recommends trying to stay well hydrated in order to prevent unpleasant symptoms. Other common side effects include nosebleeds, headache, and fatigue, while rarer ones include allergic or skin reactions.

A Word from Verywell

Tamiflu is not only safe to take during pregnancy, but it is the recommended treatment for expectant parents who have been exposed to or have contracted the flu. The proper dosage will vary depending on if you are trying to treat or prevent the flu, so be sure to speak with a healthcare provider about your options.