A fact family is made up of three numbers. As in any family, the members (number) are related. At least four math facts that can be made with them. For example, consider 6, 4, and 10. These members of a fact family are related because the first two numbers can be added to get the third. Starting with 1, ask your child what they need to add to make 10. Be sure to list the inverse facts as well—for example: 1 + 9 = 10 and 9 + 1 = 10 Write two blank addition problems (____ + ____ = _) and two blank subtraction problems ( - ____ = _____) in the bay windows. If you begin your Tens Facts with 1 + 9, the numbers in the windows will be 10, 9, and 1. From there, have your child complete the two addition problems using the list they created. Once they’ve figured those out, the subtraction problems should be easy. Next, have your child fill in the rest of the Tens Facts (one in each house) to create the entire neighborhood. Building fact family neighborhoods are great way to make first grade math concepts easy and fun for your kids to learn.