If you’re expecting twins, don’t skip your prenatals. In fact, you might need to take higher levels of folic acid. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and make sure you eat enough nutritious foods. Go easy on yourself and always reach out to your healthcare provider if anything feels off. Here are ten things to avoid doing while pregnant with twins or multiples. While it is a great time to implement a healthy approach to eating, it is not a good idea to start a diet or restrict your food intake in any way. You need about 300 extra calories per baby per day, so fill up your plate! Filling up on prepackaged food and empty calories does nothing for your babies… but it packs the pounds on you! Choose the right foods: fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. Strenuous workouts can cause you to overheat and it stresses your heart, joints, and muscles. Talk to your doctor about what type of activity is most appropriate for your situation and save the heavy-duty exercise for after the babies are born. Hot-tubbing raises the mother’s internal thermostat and can temporarily elevate her temperature, similar to having a fever. That puts the babies at risk for anencephaly and gastroschisis, which are life-altering birth defects. It can be transmitted to you if you come in contact with feline feces. You probably won’t mind asking someone else to clean out the litter box anyway. Maybe they’ll carry on that chore even after the babies come! So don’t overdo it. If you’re assigned some level of bed rest, take it seriously. Accept your doctor’s advice and don’t push the limits.